The Long Win in Education

Schools are caught in ‘short-win thinking’ systems yet learning is a ‘long win’ endeavour. My book and work with headteachers, directors of sport and CEOs of academy trusts offer a framework to connect and reconnect teachers, pupils and schools to a broader definition of success that enables everyone to thrive and explore what they’re capable of together.

This page contains references, stories and downloadable worksheets to help deepen your Long Win Thinking and develop practical ideas for how to put it into practice in your school, college or educational setting. They accompany the Stories of Long Winners in the new Chapter of the second edition of The Long Win.


In the 2nd edition of The Long Win, I share 10 stories of leaders across education, sport, business and public life who are putting a Long Win approach into practice.

Here is an additional story from education about Mike Boddington, CEO and Executive Head of the Enlighten Learning Trust in Surrey, who connected with the principles of The Long Win.

Read the full story (PDF)

I have given talks and run workshops for PADSIS (The Professional Association for Directors of Sport of Independent Schools) to help Directors of Sport redefine success in school sport and develop a Long Win approach.

As well as applying the Long Win’s 3Cs Framework, we look at some of the traps that get in the way of meaningful sport: binary thinking, battlefield language, metrics, and explore how to reframe success around human stories.

View key slides (PDF)

Reframing how we celebrate success in school sport by Alice Curwood, Assistant Principal, Bangkok Patana School.

Read the full story (PDF)

References & Long Win Thinking materials:

I am a huge fan of Alfie Kohn’s research and thinking that has a been a strong influence on my own learning and development of The Long Win:

TeachPitch Podcast with Cath: Messy and Masterful: Cath Bishop – The Olympian (

Anthony Seldon is brilliant teacher, thinker, writer who understands the greater potential of education beyond assessments. His books and talks are well worth reading and watching, here’s an article about his perspectives here: Epsom College UK head Sir Anthony Seldon on education meeting changing needs | Options, The Edge (

The Long Time Project has lots of practical tools and resources to help us improve our long-term thinking

See also:


Contact Me

If you’d like to get in touch about working with me, either to discuss a ‘Long Win’ speech, workshop, book discussion or other Long Win Thinking collaboration, please let me know more.